
Washington Star

 I saw this awesome mini quilt on In Color Order and I knew I HAD to make one too. Obsessive, yes. Whatever, I got it done and I am loving it! I drafted the pieces with my trusty orange Sharpie because I wanted the quilt to be a little bit bigger than the original quilt that inspired me. I need to work on my math skills.
 I chose Denyse Schmidt fabrics in blues and greens with a linen-y background. Did you know that Densye Schmidt fabrics are sold in JoAnn fabric stores now?! Crazy. I am more than a little obsessed with her line at JoAnn's and I've been collecting a quarter yard of each print.
Awesome picture I know, but I was so excited to get the star pieced together that I had to take a really quick pic. I am so excited with the result. P.S. This was a paper pieced pattern. If you haven't tried paper piecing you really should! You will get perfect points every time you paper piece. This is one of my all time favorite methods as well as the method I used on my first quilt. Neato I know.

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