
Lined Drawstring Bag

As you can probably tell from my previous post, I love making bags. I am a firm believer that you can never have too many bags! Plus I've been looking for a great project to use this print on and I think it is shown off nicely here. The awesome step-by-step tutorial for the LINED(!) drawstring bag is from In Color Order. She has an amazing blog and you should stop and look around for a little while to see what she has been up to.


Snappy Bags

I whipped up these cuties in no time this weekend and I think they turned out pretty great. They are awesome because I inserted pieces of metal tape measure in the top casing, which makes these little bags 'snap' open and closed. (Hence the name Snappy Bag...) Anyway, the full tutorial is from Just Another Hangup, and she does a really good job of giving step-by-step instructions. I am probably going to make a thousand more of these because they are fun!


Birthday of the Blog

Hi, I am Anna. I like to sew, quilt, stitch, craft, etc. I also like to run far, thus the name The Running Stitch. Here I will show a few of the things I like to do. I hope you enjoy.